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FAMU Libraries: Borrowing, Renewing, Fines


Borrowing & Renewing


"Sign in" to see what library materials you have checked out, review due dates, and request renewals.

    My Library Account  

Books may be renewed provided no one has placed a hold on them.

Borrowers must be signed in to view and renew items that are currently checked out. Click  "Requests" to view your account options.
Click on the "Loans" link to see a list of all the items you currently have checked out along with their due dates.

Circulation Assistance

Phone: 850-599-3376

Loan Periods / Fines


Materials Loan Period Fines Lost Fee
Books 3 weeks 25 cents/day up to $130
Reserves 2 hours 25 cents/hour up to $130
Laptops semester $10/hour up to $1200
Headphones 6 hours $2/hour $15




Circulation Guidelines

Who can check out library materials?

Currently enrolled students are able to check out course reserves, circulating materials, and equipment.  Current faculty and staff are eligible to check out circulating materials.

What is required to check out materials?

A current Rattlercard is required in order to checkout all items, including books and equipment, that are available for checkout.

When do fines accrue?

Fines begin to accrue, immediately after the item, or material, is due. Please see chart for fines.

What happens when items are not returned?

Non-returned materials are declared lost.  The appropriate lost charges are added to overdue fees, and the fines and lost charges are placed with Student Accounts.