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Legal Practice Resources: CLE Materials

Current CLE Titles

CLE Collection


Members of the Orange County Bar Association, and members of the Florida Bar Association who maintain an office in Orange County, may borrow continuing legal education (CLE) materials from the FAMU Law Library. All borrowers must complete a Borrower Registration Form. The completed form, along with your driver license and Florida Bar card will be requested the first time you borrow CLE materials.

One CLE title may be borrowed at a time for a 24 hour period. If a longer check-out period is required, please request additional time from a circulation staff member. Check-out must occur in person; phone requests will not be accepted.

Please direct questions regarding borrowing privileges to the circulation desk, (407) 254-3263.





Florida Bar CLE Title (Audio CD)
Approval Period
1299 2011 International Income Tax and Estate Planning 10/27/11 - 4/27/13
1263 ABC's of Starting and Managing Your Law Practice 9/2/12 - 3/2/14
1383 ADR and The Bar: Introduction to Grievance Mediation
and Fee Arbitration
9/23/11 - 3/23/13
1306 Agricultural Law Update 11/18/11 - 5/18/13
1298 Annual Ethics Update 2011 10/21/11 - 4/21/13
1302 Bankruptcy Law and Practice: View from the Bench 11/3/11 - 5/03/13
1526 Basic Family Law 11/9/12 - 5/9/14
1297 Basic Labor and Employment 2011 10/27/11 - 4/27/13
1527 Basic Real Property 2/22/12 - 8/22/14
1094 Building Business in a Down Economy 12/25/11 - 6/25/13
1294 Business Disposition and Succession Tax Strategies:
Live Long & Prosper…But Just in Case
10/14/11 - 4/14/13
1560 Deposing the Expert Witness 12/11/12 - 6/11/14
1540 Electronic Discovery in Florida State Courts:
Navigating New Rules for New Issues
7/24/12 - 1/24/14
1300 Litigating Employment Law Claims 2011 10/21/11 - 4/21/13
1494 Masters of DUI - 2013 2/22/13 - 8/22/14
1549 Nuts and Bolts of Immigration Law 2/6/13 - 8/6/14
1413 Practice Before DOAH 10/21/11-4/21/13
1164 Practicing Before the Legislature 11/10/11 - 5/10/13

Assistant Director for Public Services