Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Interlibrary loan is a service provided by libraries to give patrons access to materials beyond the scope of their own holdings. Visit Interlibrary Loan to place a request online, access your web document, and learn of other services.
Internet: A global communications network of networks that includes e-mail, list serves, and the World Wide Web. The Internet consists of layers: national networks (backbone), regional networks, and local networks.
Journal: A professional or academic periodical usually issued monthly or quarterly which contains scholarly articles, reports, research, and/or papers.
Keywords: Keyword are significant words in the title, summary or text. People creating indexes may assign keywords as subject headings, or simply as narrowly defined technical terms and new words not yet incorporated into thesauri. In preparation of a search, researchers will choose keywords that match or describe their topic. Sometimes keywords are synonyms of the topic; sometimes they represent major elements of the topic and are used in combination with Boolean terms.
Keyword searching: A search made up of keywords and/or Boolean terms. When used in context of searching, the researcher chooses keywords rather than use the controlled vocabulary of the system.
Library of Congress Classification: The system made up of letters and numbers which divides knowledge into subject areas. The system was devised by the Library of Congress and is used at Florida A & M University to arrange books on the shelves.
Library of Congress Subject Heading: A word or phrase which indicates a book's subject. The online catalog (ALEPH) uses terms from the Library of Congress Subject Headings books.
Loan Desk: The service desk where you may check out circulating materials.