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Bluebook Citation: Case Names

Bluebook Quick Reference

B10.1.1 (pg. 11):  Bluepages explanation of full cases citation format.

Rule 10.2 (pg. 96):  General rules for case names.

T6 (pg. 304): Abbreviations for case names.

Case Name Checklist

Handy reference for making to name citations.


  • Short cite:  italicize
  • Case cited in endnote:  do not italicize
  • In re and ex rel are always italicized, regardless of cite location

Party Name

  • Spelled correctly?
  • Abbreviations used where appropriate (R10.2.2 & T6)
  • Omission of unnecessary words? (R10.2.1)

The Basics

The case name will appear at the beginning of the citation.  For proper citation, you should either underline or italicize the case name, depending on where in a document you are placing the citation (see Rule 2).  There are a few different types of names, and the type of name will determine format.  These include:

  1. Person (individual): Use only the last name(s).
  2. Company/Organization:  Use the whole name, but abbreviate where possible (See Rule 10.2.1-10.2.2, T6).
  3. Multiple Parties:
  4. Two Case Names:  Use the first one listed.


Elon Law Library has very good video tutorials involving citation of different party names.  Please watch these to better familiarize yourself with the different rules that apply to case names.

Assistant Director for Public Services