Borrowing Privileges Borrowing privileges are available to the following groups:
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Circulating Materials
The loan period for circulating materials is three weeks. Items may be renewed in person or by phone. The following materials do not circulate: reference (located on the first floor), law reviews and journals, reporters, statutes, digests, looseleaf materials, and serials.
Reserve Materials The loan period for reserve books and materials is two hours. A valid ID card must be presented to the circulation staff to check out any material from the Law Library. Promptly returning reserve materials is extremely important so that other students may have access to the materials. Reserve materials may NOT leave the library.
Course Reserves Faculty may place specific books on reserve for individual courses. Please check your syllabus or with your professor to determine if the material is on “Reserve” or “Course Reserve”. Check out and renewals for “Course Reserve” materials may be limited. Reserve materials may NOT leave the library. |
Renewing Books There are several ways to renew books from the Law Library:
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Services for Students with Disabilities
Students who need assistance in retrieving or copying materials, access to the second floor of the library, or other services should ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk.