For more information on faculty scholarship and teaching, see our Faculty Support Guide.
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m-9 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Sunday Closed
Director of the Library
Ms. Linda Sobey, Assistant Director for Technical Services
(407) 254-3251
Ms. Melanie Solon, Acquisitions Librarian
(407) 254-4023
Mr. Jason Murray, Instructional Librarian and Assistant Director for Technical Services
(407) 254-3262
Mrs. Achara Stone, Circulation Librarian
(407) 254-3261
Mrs. Phyllis Allen, Library Technical Assistant Supervisor
(407) 254-3258
Mrs. Haydee Fernandez, Library Technical Assistant
(407) 254-3259
Ms. Alexis Flowers, Reference Librarian
(407) 254-3291
Ms. Karen Greene, Reference Librarian
(407) 254-3257
Below are websites to help you with article publication. If you need assistance, please contact the library at x3289.
The Washington and Lee University School of Law’s Law Journal Rankings project lists journals in many subject areas. The links provided by the list include contact information for each journal.
The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is often used for pre-prints; accounts are free. For more information, see this guide about SSRN and submitting an article.
World Trials Library (HeinOnline)
HeinOnline’s World Trials collection contains not only trial transcripts and other critical court documents, but also
trial-related resources such as monographs which analyze and debate the decisions of famous trials. It also includes
biographies of many of the greatest trial lawyers in history.
State Statutes: A Historical Archive (HeinOnline)
State Statutes: A Historical Archive includes superseded state statutes for all fifty states. Search the statutes by state, date, description and text. Coverage goes back until 1717.
Immigration Law and Policy in the U.S. (HeinOnline)
This monumental collection is a compilation of the most important historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States as well as current hearings, debates and recent developments in immigration law. This first comprehensive database includes BIA Precedent Decisions, legislative histories, law and policy titles, extradition titles, scholarly articles, an extensive bibliography, and other related works.
In addition to standard library services, the Public Services staff offers the following services for faculty:
1. Research assistance with specific topics.
2. Research training for faculty and research assistants.
3. Guest lecturing on research in doctrinal classes.
4. Creation of LibGuides on professors' topics of choice.
For assistance with any of these, please contact a reference librarian.
We regret that we cannot offer cite-checking services for faculty papers.